Minimal react notes

Getting started

For app building purposes, you will want to have React set up on your local machine.
Use VS Code to write, Node to run React locally, and Next.js as the React framework.

*If you get stuck or have specific questions you can look into using a tool like Chat GPT, GitHub Co-pilot or something similar. GPT is free, but not built into your text editor. Either way, I would not use these as a first step when you are learning. Craft specific questions and try to have a general idea of how you want to solve a problem before asking. These tools can also be really helpful for bugs. These tools help you identify errors to get you unstuck, however there have been times where a problem would have been solved much quicker with a Google search.


React in a nutshell

React is a JS library.  It uses an HTML like language called JSX (see the 3 rules of JSX) that will compile into JS.

The core pieces of React can be broken into: 

  1. Components
  2. Props
  3. State & hooks

Local storage
